--------------- %_POST VARIABLE --------------- ----------- DESCRIPTION ----------- The %_POST variable stores HTML form data submitted via the POST method. %_POST is a hash/associative array which stores POST data in name=value pairs in the following format: %_POST = ( field1 => 'value1', field2 => 'value2', field3 => 'value3' ); The %_POST keys (input field names) can be accessed as a list (array) with Perl's "keys" command like so: @field_names = keys %_POST; The field values can be accessed by referencing the specific name of the requested field: $field_value = $_POST{'field1'}; Notice that when referencing a specific field value, the '%' is changed to a '$' when referencing the hash, as you are referencing a specific value and not the entire hash. -------------- USAGE EXAMPLES -------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ Example 1: Showing the Value of a POST Field using the DISPLAY Tag ------------------------------------------------------------------ The value of the Name field is . -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example 2: Showing All the Fields using the DO and DISPLAY Tags and a Loop -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The value of the field is .