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The implementation of PTM's %_SERVER variable is entirely dependent on the
circumstances under which your PTM script is being run. %_SERVER is actually
just a PTM port of Perl's %ENV variable, with a 'REQUEST_TIME' value added.
So, depending on how your PTM script is being accessed (via the web or
command line) %_SERVER will store a seperate set of values. However, since
'REQUEST_TIME' is added by PTM at run-time, it will always be included.
Because PTM was originally designed for web use with Apache, those values
will be used for usage examples here. In the case of a web-access PTM script
evaluation, %_SERVER stores information like HTTP host, server port,
server protocol, server software, redirect status, document root, etc. Visit to get a list of environment variables it creates, or use the PTM
Test file that comes with every PTM installation package to see a full list
of %_SERVER values.
%_SERVER is structured similar to the following:
%_SERVER = (
REQUEST_TIME => time(),
SERVER_PORT => '80',
The %_SERVER keys (environment variable names) can be accessed as a list
(array) with Perl's "keys" command like so:
@var_names = keys %_SERVER;
The environment variable values can be accessed by referencing the specific
name of the requested variable:
$var_value = $_SERVER{'REQUEST_TIME'};
Notice that, when referencing a specific variable value, the '%' is changed
to a '$' when referencing the hash, as you are referencing a specific value
and not the entire hash.
Example 1: Showing the Value of a Server Variable using the DISPLAY Tag
The value of REQUEST_TIME is <?= $_SERVER{'REQUEST_TIME'} ?>.
Example 2: Showing All the Vars using the DO and DISPLAY Tags and a Loop
<? foreach $var (keys %_SERVER) { ?>
The value of <?= $var ?> is <?= $_SERVER{$var} ?>.<br>
<? } ?>