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The @_KEYWORDS variable serves a very similar purpose to that of the %_GET
variable. It stores GET data placed after a question mark (?) in the URL.
The difference being that @_KEYWORDS ONLY stores a string of keywords with a
given field name of "keywords" or all values when there is no field
seperation via an equals (=) or an ampersand (&). Because there is always at
least one name=value pair when PTM has been installed in Standalone Mode
(ptm=index.ptm) the @_KEYWORDS value only applies in Standalone Mode
installation if a field named "keywords" is used. This variable was
specially set aside as it is often used for search-engine like design.
Stores "keywords" GET method postings (?keywords=some+words+here) and also
any GET method posts without matching "=value" when there is GET data, but
no name=value pairs have been entered.
Reminder: When installing in standard Standalone/Emulation mode there is
ALWAYS at least one "?PTM_SCRIPT=script.ptm" pair, so solo entry keywords
would not exist. This capability may be restored on servers that support
Apache mod_rewrite environment variable creation by enabling secure script
passing (see $_USE_SECURE_SCRIPT_PASSING) and removing the GET method
PTM_SCRIPT variable pass in the default .htaccess file.
Example 1: Display the First @_KEYWORDS Element
Keyword: <?= $_KEYWORDS[0] =?>