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I   Index
III   Description
IV   Installation
V   Language Overview
VI   Tags
VII   Variables
VIII   Functions
IX   Modules
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  PTM is a Perl/HTML hybrid, that uses inline, HTML-style tags to implement
  Perl within your dynamic web development file tree. It acts as a developers'
  front-end for commonly used Perl interfaces such as the CGI and DBI modules,
  while allowing you to drop your Perl code in right where you need it.

  PTM effectively streamlines development time by wrapping HTML form data,
  cookies, and database functionality into neat, predefined functions and
  variables. Additionally, it provides functionality that would, otherwise,
  take a lot of time to implement even for a single use; such as encoded ID
  cookie-based sessions and a well rounded set of wrapper functions that can
  currently be used on nearly every major database type on the market,
  including MySQL, MS SQL, mSQL (Mini SQL), Oracle, Sybase, Informix, and ADO,
  just to name a few. And those aren't different functions; the SAME functions
  can be used across all database types, so there aren't an infinite number of
  new functions and syntaxes to learn every time you switch databases.
  Most importantly, PTM is entirely written in Perl -- the very language it
  was written to implement. This has a variety of advantages, but primarily
  there are three (3) that prominently stand out.
  First, the ONLY requirements to run PTM are that you are on an Apache host
  server that has Perl/CGI support installed. Considering over 70% of the
  world's web servers run Apache, and almost all of them have Perl installed
  (SIGNIFICANTLY more than PHP or ASP), that's a great requirement set.
  Secondly, your host doesn't even need to support PTM for you to get started
  with it right away! Unlike alternatives such as PHP or ASP, your host doesn't
  even need to install PTM for you to use it. You can fully emulate server
  support simply by dropping the PPA (PTM Parser Application) into your cgi-bin
  and the prewritten .htaccess file in your root web accessible directory and
  your ready to go. This is also great if your host is running an older
  version of PTM, and you'd like to upgrade to a new one -- particularly if
  they aren't keeping their software up to date.

  Third, because PTM is written in Perl, and implements Perl, odds are that
  your average PTM developer can go so far as to modify PTM itself. Unlike many
  other languages, PTM doesn't restrict the developer to it's predefined list
  of functions and global variables. Users can write and reuse their own plugin
  modules, and, for the particularly crafty Perl programmers, even modify the
  language itself to fit their needs.
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